Welcome to the Green Heron Annual Auction!

Alpaca Farm and Gardens | 11785 SW River Rd. Hillsboro, OR 97123

Saturday, October 5, 2024, | 4:30 PM |

The Tualatin Valley is home to a diverse array of farms, wineries, artists, and residents that make this watershed worth protecting, and we’re proud to host our 2024 event at one of these places. Alpaca Farm and Gardens, at the confluence of McKernan Creek and the Tualatin River, was one of the first alpaca farms in the United States and was an important historic gathering place for the Atfalati people. We’re excited to celebrate this spirit of care for the land and people, and recognition of its cultural history as a theme for our event and an anchor of our work moving forward.


If you have an item you'd like to donate to our silent or live auction, please email emily@tualatinriverkeepers.org.

 For a complete list of sponsor benefits or to discuss your interest, please email glenn@tualatinriverkeepers.org.

2024 Green Heron Fall Fundraiser
Saturday, October 5, 2024
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Single Ticket
14 Remaining

Child $0.00

Table Sponsor (8 included)
4 Remaining


$1,000 Level Table, includes 8 seats and your logo on the event website and printer program.  You will receive a personalized URL for your guests to register.

Email Glenn Fee, Tualatin Riverkeepers Executive Director, at glenn@tualatinriverkeepers.org with any questions.

River Otter (8 included)
1 Remaining


$2,500 Level Table, includes 8 seats.  You will receive a personalized URL for your guests to register.

The River Otter package includes: 

  • Banner at the event
  • Logo on event website and printed program
  • Logo in August 28 and September 18 electronic invitations
  • Thank you on social media platforms – Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
  • Preferred table placement for eight at the event

Email Glenn Fee, Tualatin Riverkeepers Executive Director, at glenn@tualatinriverkeepers.org with any questions.

Chinook (8 included)
2 Remaining


$5,000 Level Table, includes 8 seats.  You will receive a personalized URL for your guests to register.

The Chinook package includes: 

  • Banner above stage at the event
  • Representative to present one of our two main awards at the event
  • Prominent logo placement on event website and printed program
  • Logo and specific thank you in event invitation and reminders
    -  Recognition in our August 14 newsletter, with 5,500 subscribers
    -  Thank you in August 28 electronic reminder to 700 TRK donors and supporters
    -  September 18 final electronic reminder to newsletter subscribers
  • Specific thank you on social media platforms – Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram
  • Preferred table placement for eight at the event

Email Glenn Fee, Tualatin Riverkeepers Executive Director, at glenn@tualatinriverkeepers.org with any questions.

Registration opens: Friday, July 26, 2024
Registration closes: Tuesday, October 1, 2024

I would like to make a donation

I authorize Tualatin Riverkeepers to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event 2024 Green Heron Fall Fundraiser. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.

Thank you to our generous sponsors!